rr_shipped_by_sea_01.jpg, 117.3K
Alfred A. Hartwho took all the photographs illustrating this articleframed this view looking northward from the riverboat Capitol over the Central Pacific's Sacramento wharf. Various locomotive components can be identified, and indeed there may be entire "kits" here, recently delivered from the East. The schooner moored just upstream appears to be loaded with milled timbers; presumably rail was carried in a similar manner. (California State Railroad Museum)
[Similar to Hart Stereograph #1002 which also shows people on the boat.]


Illustration from the article:
Railroads Shipped by Sea
Railroad History, Bulletin 180, Spring, 1999. pp. 7-30.
By Wendell W. Huffman

Courtesy Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, William F. Howes, Jr., President.

R&LHS Copyrighted © 1999 by the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Inc., P.O, Box 1418. Westford. Massachusetts 01886. The R&LHS, founded in 1921, is the oldest organization in North America devoted to railroad history. Its object is to promote research and encourage documentation.  Source materials — printed, manuscript and graphic — are housed in the Society's archives in Sacramento, California.  For additional information, contact William H. Lugg, Jr, R&LHS Membership Secretary, P.O. Box 292927, Sacramento, California 95829-2927.

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