Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum


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None needed – we're not on a mission. So, the "Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum" has no mission statement – if you can't figure out what information can be found on this website (stereoviews, engravings, maps, and documents illustrating the history of the first transcontinental railroad) after reading the title and links at the top of each page or by glancing at a page or two we doubt that anything further that we could possibly say here would really help much. This is a publication – when was the last time that you found a mission statement in a book?


We have none. Strictly voluntary. If you suffer from an Edifice complex or concrete thinking and need to find hallowed halls or credentials so that you'll know that it's OK to believe everything you read on this website, you should instead learn to evaluate information and to think for yourself. But, perhaps you might want to look at what others have written in order to help you to judge our reputation for quality and accuracy.
(While we're on the subjects of transportation and credentials, Wilbur and Orville Wright were bicycle mechanics who certainly lacked adequate credentials to do pioneering aeronautical engineering research, nor was Doc. Strong, a druggist, qualified to locate a transcontinental railroad route through the Sierras, nor were four Sacramento shopkeepers and ten thousand Chinamen qualified to build one! OK, so we do have advanced degrees and academic credentials and we are on a mission to make all the children studying the transcontinental railroad above average – so what?)

Copyright © 2004 CPRR.org.  [Last Updated 10/1/2004]
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